Yuba Gap - December 30, 2006
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61. Too Big, Can't Drive Through It!.jpg
61. Too Big, Can't Drive Through It!
62. Half Frozen Pond, Can't Drive Around It!.jpg
62. Half Frozen Pond, Can't Drive Around It!
63. I Guess We'll Go Over It!.jpg
63. I Guess We'll Go Over It!
64. Larry Sizes It Up, and Before Emily Can Snap A Shot....jpg
64. Larry Sizes It Up, and Before Emily Can Snap A Shot...
65. He's Over It..jpg
65. He's Over It.
66. Next It's The Rhino..jpg
66. Next It's The Rhino.
67. Emily's On It this Time..jpg
67. Emily's On It this Time.
68. And Get's All The Action....jpg
68. And Get's All The Action...
69. As Larry Scrambles The Rhino..jpg
69. As Larry Scrambles The Rhino.
70. Up and Over The Log..jpg
70. Up and Over The Log.
71. Dusty's Turn!.jpg
71. Dusty's Turn!
72. He Lines Up.....jpg
72. He Lines Up....
73. Pulls Up His Front Tires and Takes a Look..jpg
73. Pulls Up His Front Tires and Takes a Look.
74. Backs Up, Gets a Run......jpg
74. Backs Up, Gets a Run.....
75. And Literally Flies Over Screaming.....jpg
75. And Literally Flies Over Screaming....

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